GRG Community Night 12/21

i’ll put down the Destiny crack pipe for one night and jump into BF.

Man, PS4 side was a bust again. 3rd community night in a row where there was no community night. I’m coming back over to the xbone side. smh

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Yeah, we really can’t get anything rolling there. People step up and ask to be PS4 team leads but just won’t follow through. We lost another PS4 team Lead, Cptkilr. He was supposed to run a BF1 room tonight then changed his mind to xb1 overwatch. When asked why he switched from BF1 to a game no one is playing (on Community Night) he threw a temper tantrum and decided to quit GRG. I don’t get it and there really isn’t much I can do about it. We offer all the support we can but if we can’t get Staff to do what they say they will then it’s just a lost cause.

I’m pretty upset about it and I don’t have any good solutions.

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That said, the XBox side had a full room of people playing BF1. Games went well and we all got into the server save @DuvalFunk who was busy downloading BF1 on his XB1 (about time). I really wish the game would keep us all on the same side but that’ll never happen. GRG PTFO and scores high. So BF1 separates us.

GG to all those that showed up.


Great turn out for BF on xbox. Room was almost full before 9. Good game.

There’s no hope with most of these nirds. Thankfully I have one or two RL friends that don’t let me down. Last night I had a rousing discussion on the value of the Oxford Comma on Christmas cards. There’s just so much fail in the world today.

You just gave guys like @APMech12 a major hard on.

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I was thinking of re installing BF1 since that is all peeps play.

You should.