Destiny 2 Mega Thread

Ran perfectly when I was on.

I feel that this was a joke you missed @anon3687162

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Nice gesture?
Or, company piggy-backing off othersā€™ misfortune with a publicity piece?


Luke Smith responding to tweets on WIRED

The Destiny community and Bungie itself have raised millions for charity. One of my post prized shaders and IRL t-shirts are ones I got in a Bungie fund raiser for the victims of the Nepal earthquake a few years ago. The cynicism is not warranted in this case.

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Fair enough.
I guess ultimately, if the money does go to charity / the appeal, then does it really matter what their motivations ā€˜mightā€™ be.

Just saw this tweet from Luke Smith that he put out last night.

Yeah, I do kind of agree about the Raid being too early.
Mostly from the point of trying to avoid spoilers about it before getting to try it for myself.

Part of me wonders if it isnā€™t something to help push people who are on the fence still about getting the game by enticing them with footage from content creators doing the raid.

It does seem to cater for streamers / diehard fans.

The early release of the raid?

There are a ton of players that play solely for ā€œend gameā€ and miss out on the full game. Iā€™ll never understand why. To each their own. I just love when they bitch that thereā€™s nothing to do in game.

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Correct me if Iā€™m wrong but, didnā€™t we get VoG one week after D1ā€™s release?

You are correct.
Maybe they changed that for the later Raid releases (with respect to their related DLC drop).

I do wish that they gave the fans who have day jobs more time to become raid ready. However, I also understand that it adds to the competitive nature of becoming some of the first fireteams to beat the raid.

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I donā€™t understand. There is no time limit to when you can attempt the raid. Whatā€™s the big deal if it takes a casual fan a few extra weeks to get raid ready? I know I wonā€™t rush to endgame.

Trying to avoid all Raid related information so you can enjoy it as a surprise.

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I am jumping off the COD train and beginning my journey with Destiny 2. I did not play the first one. I played the beta for 2 and really enjoyed it. Time for a change. As a newb in this new universe I am open to any and all tips and tricks. Looking forward to the release! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Iā€™m sure youā€™re open to ALL the tips. Just the tips!

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