Who's LFG tonight, and what are you playing? August 29th edition

@ESOPlayers Who’s grouping up tonight for some Cyrodiil or Pledges? I work late, so I will be unable to attend. Watch for an event tomorrow regarding the new DLC

@BattlefieldPlayers @OverwatchPlayers @PlayStationPlayers @PCGamers and everyone in between, what is everyone getting up to this evening?

I’d be keen to play some Orcs Must Die! Unchained on PS4 if there is any interest?

You can play solo, or up to 3 players in a co-op mode.

In co-op you can either play just against the AI, or in a weird mode in which two 3-player human teams are playing at the same time (separate maps) but with some options to ‘interfere’ with the other team.

This entire game is F2P and does a good job of allowing you to progress through in-game currencies without feeling like you’re grinding too slowly.
There is the option of boosting yourself through buying upgrades and stuff, so I expect the PvP could become broken - but the mode I described above is the only game type with a PvP element.
There is no direct PvP gametype.

I’ve played a few games and we did win some, so that game type is still playable, at least for now.

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No promises. I have a ball game at 7, and depending how I feel - I’m fucking exhausted with today being my 10th day in a row at work, with me still having my ball games and family. But, the kids are gone for the week, so we’ll see how I feel tonight after ball.

For @ESOPlayers

D2 beta on PC if it works.

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Down for pledges if we can get a group

For anyone playing ESO, be sure to DL the update long before hand. It’s in the neighborhood of 30GB

I’ll be busting heads in LawBreakers @PS4Players. The game is just so damn fast and fun. Wish it got more marketing so it could get more players. Also, it could be on xbox.

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I’ll be down for some Lawbreakers later, just toss an invite and I’ll hop on in super quick.