PS4 BF1 player new guy


Just looking for people to play bf1 with, bf is much better game when playing with others

Psn: Brummiee86

Can east time zone

Cheers carl


Welcome aboard.

Welcome to GRG!

Welcome to the community

Welcome to GRG!

Hit up @Cptnkillr @catsweat @unobtainaballs for some BF1 action!

I added you to our @BattlefieldPlayers group so you can get alerted to any BF1 events.

Welcome aboard! FR on the way! See you out there soon.

Hey Carl

Definitely thought you were going to say you were from Birmingham with that handle…

I’ll see you online sometimes - UK here so not always much overlap.

I’ll add you.
PSN: Olz_3

I am from birmingham, but moved to cananda last year with my wife


Well that explains it.

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Welcome to the crew! PSN: DuvalFunk

Should hopefully be on saturday. Work is kicked my ass at the moment. Being so close to xmas we are trying to rush this job.

Thanks for the warm welcome

I also added you to the BF1 Players Group and the PS4 Players Group

@BattlefieldPlayers @PlayStationPlayers

You can see who’s in the groups here:

PS4 Player Group List

Battlefield Players Group List

Make sure to add some people to your friends list and hop in some games!

Hey @PS4players @BattlefieldPlayers anybody hopping on tonight? I see nada atm. Hit a brotha up

I’ll be on in a bit if you’re around still homie!