Destiny 2 Mega Thread

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Jason Schrier seems trustworthy.
This would perhaps explain some things.
I can’t even start to discuss this. It will make me too mad.

Yes i just cant get myself to go back and play more D2. Perhaps because I played so much of it at launch but went back one day played a bit and have not gone back to it since. Maybe some day soon.

Sadly I makes sense…now it seams that activision is to blame for the eververse issue and bungie creative for the current state. The question is can d2 ever be as good as d1 or will be wait for d3 or will we vote with our dollars and wait for the movie in 10 years that truely answers all of the questions?

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So basically the same thing that happened to D1 happened to D2. Right in the middle of Development they decide to change everything. WTF!!!

How do you run development company like that?

I will say to the devs at Bungie they certainly earned their pay by being able to deliver a playable game with this constant upheaval of direction. Bungie leadership is a disaster.


I got an idea, if I tell you that you suck…will you hire me to take over?

It’s barely even worth a blog post.
Guy doesn’t say anything that’s new. Just that apparently he wants a job.

I thought big balls…to say you are doing everything wrong and “call me” …yea I’ll call you DB

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This will not be Royle mode…a bunch community (D2 not GRG)members went to the summit and were able to preplay the mode. They had NDAs but we’re able to say what it’s not…and they say it’s completely unique to destiny they liked it and NOT the BR bullshit that I’m already tired of.

Finished out the campaign today. It’s ok, it’s very short. The final big bad boss battle was really well done. So much better than Gary… Gul… whatever his name was.

Now the quest for LL is on. Plus I need to figure out what’s the new hawtness for guns.

After I finish the heroic strikes tonight I am switching to the hunter. He should start out around 348 (after the campaign). It sucks the clan rewards are worthless now.

Aren’t they still PEs and so continue to be useful?

you can get the weapon and armor exclusives but the completion engram for each event (NF, Raid, Crucible and Trials) will drop at or below current light…your current weekly contribution gets a powerful engram that will raise your light…if that helps

Ran the EOW raid last night on my last character (warlock) with only one wipe. Two warlocks, 4 hunters. We definitely need to think about mixing up our characters and not running all the hunters at once. I think two of each character is doable. That way we could all take a turn with our alts. This may or may not apply for Saturday’s raid but for other nights. And I found out the Darci does 51,000 damage per shot and it is possible to hit him 18 times and have ammo left for any Minotaurs hanging around. An option to the rockets that can kill you. We were unable to determine if it did critical damage on Argos though. Need more research.

Major Changes for Destiny 2 Including DLC and Patch Updates

For Bungie, October is bringing more than just Halloween events and festive rewards. The team announced some major changes coming to Destiny 2 this week, and they aren’t limited to live events. Each update listed is set to begin today on the 16th and will affect both old and new Guardians alike, so be sure to take a look at the news.

Festival of the Lost

Continuing the trend of fall celebrations, the Festival of the Lost will be open to all Destiny 2 players. With it comes an exclusive event known as the Haunted Forest, which Bungie states is an invitation for Guardians to “confront their nightmares” during this time. The traditional masks, bounties, and rewards will appear as well. You can check out the trailer below.

Forsaken DLC Expansions

The launch of the “Forsaken” DLC came with quite a bit of criticism, and Bungie took it to heart according to their recent announcement. Effective today, the purchase of Destiny 2: Forsaken will include the two expansions included in the Expansion Pass. Furthermore, every player that purchased the item previously will receive a special set of rewards for their trouble.

Iron Banner Returns

The Iron Banner event returns this month as well, bringing even more competition to the Crucible. Items will be available for purchase from Lord Saladin and Valor gains will be increased during this time-frame. Bounty Objectives have also been altered based on player feedback:

  • Lightbearer: Reduced Super kills to 20 from 25
  • Iron in the Blood: Reduced match completions to 15 from 30
  • Shine On: Reduced Orbs generated to 50 from 100
  • Iron Victory: Reduced match wins to 7 from 10
  • To Be Precise: Reduced precision kills to 50 from 100
  • All in a Week’s Work: Reduced kills to 150 from 250

In addition to the objective alterations, Bungie has noted that completion of bounties will now result in a “powerful” reward with the completion of each one. The event will end on October 23rd, so Guardians should join the fight while they can.

Update 2.0.4

And finally, following up on all the fun is the latest Destiny 2 patch. Maintenance is set to begin throughout the day and it should be noted that the update is required to participate in the latest events. Besides tweaking small errors in the system, the team has also updated the community on currently known issues that are set to be fixed in the future:

  • Reports of GUITAR errors within the “Last Wish” raid.
  • Reports of the BrayTech Scout Rifle not appearing in Collections for some players.
  • Reports of the Ascendant Challenge emblem not updating correctly.
  • Reports of low FPS, which impacts gameplay.

Lastly, for those who aren’t native English speakers, it might be of interest to know that Bungie has updated their Twitter accounts to include nine more languages to choose from. Otherwise, that’s it for Destiny 2 updates. Be sure to comment your thoughts on the changes.

I’ve stopped playing.

Probably not forever but the grind isn’t keeping me interested and the exotic quests are only barely doing so.
Perhaps I’ll give IB a go. It was a bit of a trudge last time.

Next week FO76 comes out, then BFV.
I’ll probably play both of those over D2.

Forsaken was good but didn’t match RoI for D1.

Fuck activision…I like the game and forsaken…destiny is as good as ever. I have many many things to do and I’m max light. I may play a little less than the grind but still playing