Conan Survival Mega Thread

Developer Funcom unleashed the beast that is Conan Exiles on Steam via Early Access a couple of days ago. To go along with it, the team also released a launch trailer.

The game is still making its way to consoles but you can get a very sizeable preview of just a few of the gods, creatures, and other wild beasts you’ll undoubtedly encounter when you begin your journey through this brutal world:

Conan Exiles is still pencilled in for a Spring 2017 release on the Xbox One.


New patch out at 5:48 Embiid Standard Time

PATCH 02.02.2017a
Community Announcements - Community Manager (Andy B)
A new patch has been released!

Please restart your clients and Community Servers to make sure they receive the latest update to the game.

You will now be able to click through on screen popup messages
It will no longer be possible to destroy Sandstone buildings with Stone or Iron Weapons. Steel weapons will still be able to destroy them.
It will no longer be possible to destroy Stonebrick buildings with Iron or steel weapons. It will require explosives to destroy them
Weapons found in chests will not be able to hurt Sandstone buildings.
Projectiles (Arrows) will no longer do damage to buildings of any type.
We have added a “Player List” GUI to the admin panel. Admins will be able to use this to get a list of all the players currently connected to their server. From this list they will be able to ban unwelcome players from their server.

Patch went out this evening.

PATCH 02.03.2017
A new patch has been released!

Please restart your clients and Community Servers to make sure they receive the latest update to the game.

Fixed a server crash that resulted when players entered specific areas of the game.
Players should now receive an informative dialogue box when failing to connect to the game.
Added a fix to address the main menu becoming unresponsive when entering an incorrect password on the server browser
The password dialogue will now have focus when opened
Admins will now be able to scroll the player list properly…sorry about that!

Resource map I found on Reddit.

PATCH 06.02.2017

A new patch has been released!

Please restart your clients and Community Servers to make sure they receive the latest update to the game.

Fix for placeables disappearing on server restart
Fix for connecting to servers from the Steam server list

Another cave location with brimstone nodes. According to the youtuber you don’t suffer corruption in this cave. Looks to be around R10.

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I’m hoping to play tonight. Was on last night playing solo because the servers were down most of the night. :sob:

Found this

In the comments there are cords for thralls

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Though those of us that are playing are past the need for this, thought it may be useful for anyone that decides to join us.

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One thing to note from that guide and I think other Conan players would agree, don’t build your strength up too much.

They patched it so you could still knock out thralls with a high Strength stat.

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pro tip: Do not try and walk through the green wall (Cursed Wall). You die instantly.

CROM doesn’t fuck around.

A new patch has been released, and it’s a big one! Please restart your games and make sure your community servers are updated.

TL;DR (Patch Summary)
Known Issue: Yellow Lotus Potions sometimes have no effect. This will be fixed as quickly as possible, and in the meantime we recommend not using them.
Fixes for certain server crashes
You can no longer dismantle exploded jars
Bows should now fire consistently on dedicated servers
Bows should now always consume ammunition
NPC archers and Thrall archers can now properly aim
Bows should no longer shoot in crazy directions
Fixed an issue where thralls would not properly load on server restart
Knives are now efficient for harvesting Hide or Thick Hide
Made more monsters able to damage structures. Some can even damage T3 buildings!
You can now loot corpses under water
Players can no longer use chairs to travel great distances
The crouch/jump “boost” should now be fixed
Developer Comment: Please get in touch with us if you discover additional instances where this is possible. We understand the impact these issues had on raiding and general basebuilding on PvP servers, and want to make sure this issue is completely eliminated.

Performance and Tech Fixes
Fixes for certain server crashes
Reduced log spam on dedicated servers
Optimized animation blueprints to improve server performance
Made several console commands require admin
Fixed an issue where thralls would not properly load on server restart

General Bug Fixes and Improvements
You can now loot corpses under water
You can no longer dismantle exploded jars
Arrow projectiles are now more visible
Players can no longer use chairs to travel great distances
Players can no longer walk through walls which have not loaded in yet
Bows should now fire more consistently on dedicated servers
Archers across the Exiled Lands have laid off the booze and can now properly aim again
Knives are now efficient for harvesting Hide or Thick Hide
Placeables now correctly respect the “No Ownership” server setting
Drinking from a well now quenches thirst. The future is now.
Updated collision for banners and carpets
Player now respawns at last bed/bedroll they interacted with
Fixed an issue where a test NPCs could be spawned
Bows should no longer shoot in crazy directions
Fixed an issue with stacksize for items in containers

Balance and Gameplay Fixes
Heads are no longer returned when dismantling trophies.
Fixed collision on relic rocks in starting area
It is no longer possible to build on the shrine west of the river to prevent NPCs from spawning
Players can drink while underwater again
Players now respawn immediately upon dying, skipping the death camera.
This is a temporary change in order to prevent players from retaining gear after death, and a permanent solution will be implemented in the future.
Added a short delay before you can harvest a corpse to reduce the chance of accidentally hitting the corpse with a non-optimal tool
Players now unequip their weapons when logging in. This fixes a problem with animation states.
Bows should now always consume ammunition
Fixed a collision issue with the giant spider and rebalanced its attacks
Fixed an issue with explosive jars causing camera jitter when colliding with the player in build mode
Players can no longer stack placeables
Players can no longer abort attacks to increase attack speed
Made more monsters able to damage structures. Some can even damage T3 buildings!
Bedrolls and beds can only be bound to one character at a time
Make beds only have one owner, and show the owner in GUI. If you respawn, the bedroll is prioritized over the bed, so bedrolls can be used for expeditions. Please give us feedback on this change.
Players can no longer break the surrender emote by entering combat unarmed
Monsters have received unique attacks and can now knock you back
The pickaxe now suffers no harvesting penalties and give full resources from trees and rocks
You can no longer build in invalid locations if you enter building mode without moving the mouse

Visual Improvements
Gazelle now ragdoll properly after death
Elephants now ragdoll properly after death
Player turn rates and walk rates have been tweaked to fix animation problems
Added new equip animations for the fiber rope in 1st and 3rd person
Add social animations for the Hyena and Crocodile when they are stationary
Various tweaks to armors
Various tweaks to the male and female bodies
Various tweaks to the male and female heads and hair
The Relic Hunters now equip Relic Hunter armor pieces

Text and Localization
Added new translations for dialogues, items and user interface
Added subtitles to several voice-overs

Fixed an issue where server login would fail if you had too many mods installed

Known Issues
We are aware that crossbows still fire inconsistently. We are working on a fix
Shrines are currently not able to be placed in singleplayer mode. We are aware of this and will fix that as quickly as possible.
Yellow Lotus Potions sometimes have no effect. This will be fixed as quickly as possible, and in the meantime we recommend not using them.

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nice siege weapons. going to leave the clan build my own place and knock all your shit down.

What they need to add is the ability to after siege is lay claim to the land its on.