Call of Duty Infinite Warfare MP Trailer

Few things I noticed:

  • Looks like the TTK (Time to Kill) is fast.
  • 3-4 bullets earn a kill.
  • Wall walking makes a return.
  • Heavy Assualt reminds me of Titan BubbleBro from Destiny with the deployable bubble shield. Also his Ballistic Shield looks nuts, hopefully there’s a cooldown on it.
  • Predator style Invis for snipers is going to suck.

TTk looks pretty fast. I do like the addition of the healthbars. Looks like chaos as usual. complete epileptic siezure from watching that video. the millienal screen-junkie kids of today are going to love it.

Some points I noticed:

  • the bubble shield is an accessory and looks like you just have one.
  • the shield looks like an elite ability that has a pretty quick run down timer. from the quick peek at the vid.

Jesus this is so far removed from the CoD I loved…

I’m pretty sure I will be sticking to battlefield. While I love the idea of space Marines, I just just can’t do an insane multi-player where I die from now million different things.

From that trailer it reminds me a lot of this last game with the specialists, with space ship battles, meh maybe it will be better than it looks

The faster pace the better for me! I don’t care what setting its in it depends on how it plays and how its balanced.

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Modern Warfare Remaster. That Nuke scene still gets me worked up. I remember playing through and and couldn’t believe they did that.

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