About the TitanfallPlayers Group

add me please

XBox store has this on sale for $35.99 RIGHT MEOW. I know I said I wouldn’t but I did. Now you fuckers will have to listen to me bitch about this game! :smiley:

Well, there goes the neighborhood.

Throw my name on the list since I picked it up today.


Bought it Friday. Add me to list please.


Add me, please. Still finishing campaign. Sorry about that @Sniper_T1

Let’s get a game going tonight. I should be on by 9 eastern.

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@rsnumber2 and @Sniper_T1

Monday Night Titanfall is set for tonight!

Add me to the TF2 group.


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200 ms latency and 3 MB connection make for rough gameplay. :disappointed:

Can you add me plz?


added you to the @TitanfallPlayers group.

added @DarwinsToffees


added @MonkEXT

Added @Red_tha_FURY

Added @AzraelDirge